The boys created a homeless shelter. They only could use paper, tissue, card and a plastic bag. Boys quickly discovered what was water proof and sturdy enough to stay standing.
Our January to March topic was Water. The boys wanted to learn about Igloos. We looked at the history of Igloos, how family life existed in an Igloo and using sugar cubes we built Igloos. In a surprise few snow days, some of boys got to apply the skill in real life.
Space Week
Learning experiences so far.
We have had a busy few weeks getting to know each other and settling in to our new room. We enjoyed meeting the Lord Mayor Mr. Fitzgerald. As a class we prepared questions for him and learned all about his profile before we met Mr. Fitzgerald. One question asked by Isaac was ' Did you enjoy studying in Boston?' unfortunately we did not all get the opportunity to ask Mr. Fitzgerald our questions so we all put pen to paper. Each pupil wrote a 'Thank You' letter for Mr. Fitzgerald along with any unanswered questions. We await his response!
Our Topic this term has been 'Our Locality.' The pupils have explored their area by looking at Goggle maps, learning from PowerPoints and You Tube clips. In Art we created a wall using match sticks on a current map of Cork City to show us where the old City Wall was. In Music we have been practicing 'The Banks of My Own Lovely Lee.'
At the beginning of October the Pupils expanded their knowledge by learning about the solar system. Please watch our video.
Every Friday we are extremely lucky to be using Coláiste Stiofáin Naofa grounds for our P.E. Students attending the college are training to be G.A.A coaches and our pupils are helping them in their development.
Our Topic this term has been 'Our Locality.' The pupils have explored their area by looking at Goggle maps, learning from PowerPoints and You Tube clips. In Art we created a wall using match sticks on a current map of Cork City to show us where the old City Wall was. In Music we have been practicing 'The Banks of My Own Lovely Lee.'
At the beginning of October the Pupils expanded their knowledge by learning about the solar system. Please watch our video.
Every Friday we are extremely lucky to be using Coláiste Stiofáin Naofa grounds for our P.E. Students attending the college are training to be G.A.A coaches and our pupils are helping them in their development.
P.E - Every Friday
Library- Every second Thursday. Reminders will be put in their homework journal.
Library- Every second Thursday. Reminders will be put in their homework journal.